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artifacts get

Download an artifact tracked in the model registry into the current working directory (with optional DVC Studio support).

See also our dvc.api.artifacts_show() Python API function.


usage: dvc artifacts get [-h] [-q | -v]
                         [--rev [<version>]] [--stage [<stage>]]
                         [-o [<path>]] [--show-url] [-j <number>] [-f]
                         [--config CONFIG]
                         [--remote REMOTE] [--remote-config [REMOTE_CONFIG ...]]
                         url name

positional arguments:
  url                   Location of DVC repository to download from
  name                  Name of artifact in the repository


Provides a way to download artifacts tracked in the model registry. Unlike dvc get, dvc artifacts get supports downloading an artifact by name, rather than by path. Likewise, dvc artifacts get supports downloading a registered artifact version or stage, instead of requiring a specified Git revision.

The url argument specifies the address of the DVC or Git repository containing the artifact. Both HTTP and SSH protocols are supported (e.g. [user@]server:project.git). url can also be a local file system path (including the current project e.g. .).

The name argument specifies the name of the artifact to download. By default DVC will search for artifacts declared in a dvc.yaml file located at the root of the DVC repository. Artifacts declared in other dvc.yaml files should be addressed in the form path/to/dvc.yaml:artifact_name or path/to:artifact_name (where dvc.yaml is omitted).

dvc artifacts get will first try to download artifacts via the DVC Studio REST API. Downloading an artifact using the Studio REST API only requires a valid DVC Studio client access token and a Studio project configured with your remote storage credentials. It does not require the client to have those credentials. If you do not have a valid DVC Studio token, or the artifact is not tracked in the model registry, DVC will fall back to its typical method to get files (see dvc get).


  • --rev <version> - Version of the artifact to download. The latest version of the artifact is used by default when neither rev nor stage are specified.

  • --stage <stage> - Stage of the artifact to download. The latest version of the artifact is used by default when neither rev nor stage are specified.

  • -o <path>, --out <path> - specify a path to the desired location in the workspace to place the downloaded file or directory (instead of using the current working directory). Directories specified in the path will be created by this command.

  • --show-url - instead of downloading the file or directory, just print the storage location (URL) of the target data.

  • -j <number>, --jobs <number> - parallelism level for DVC to download data from the remote. The default value is 4 * cpu_count(). Using more jobs may speed up the operation. Note that the default value can be set in the source repo using the jobs config option of dvc remote modify.

  • -f, --force - when using --out to specify a local target file or directory, the operation will fail if those paths already exist. this flag will force the operation causing local files/dirs to be overwritten by the command.

  • --config <path> - path to a config file that will be merged with the config in the target repository.

  • --remote <name> - name of the dvc remote to set as a default in the target repository. Only applicable when downloading artifacts from a DVC remote.

  • --remote-config [<name>=<value> ...] - dvc remote config options to merge with a remote's config (default or one specified by --remote) in the target repository. Only applicable when downloading artifacts from a DVC remote.

  • -h, --help - prints the usage/help message, and exit.

  • -q, --quiet - do not write anything to standard output. Exit with 0 if no problems arise, otherwise 1.

  • -v, --verbose - displays detailed tracing information.

Example: Download an artifact from a DVC remote

$ dvc artifacts get https://github.com/iterative/example-get-started.git text-classification --rev=v1.0.0
Downloaded 1 file(s) to 'model.pkl'

In this example, we download version v1.0.0 of the artifact. Since we have no DVC Studio credentials set in our environment, dvc artifacts get will download the artifact from the default DVC remote defined in the repository.

Example: Download an artifact using a DVC Studio token

$ DVC_STUDIO_TOKEN=mytoken dvc artifacts get https://github.com/iterative/example-get-started.git text-classification --stage=prod
Downloaded 1 file(s) to 'model.pkl'

In this example, we download stage prod of the artifact. Since we have set our Studio access token in the DVC_STUDIO_TOKEN environment variable, dvc artifacts get will download the artifact via the model registry rather than from a DVC remote.

Example: Download an artifact defined in a specific dvc.yaml file

$ dvc artifacts get https://github.com/iterative/lstm_seq2seq.git results/dvc.yaml:best
Downloaded 1 file(s) to 'epoch=0-step=16.ckpt'

In this example, we download the latest version of the best artifact. In this case, the artifact is defined in results/dvc.yaml so we must include the path to the dvc.yaml file when addressing the artifact. Since we do not specify --rev or --stage, dvc artifacts get will download the latest version of the artifact by default.

Example: Getting the storage URL of an artifact

We can use dvc artifacts get --show-url to get the actual location where the model is stored:

$ dvc artifacts get https://github.com/iterative/example-get-started.git \
  text-classification --rev=v1.0.0 --show-url